Wednesday 28 December 2016

Top 10 Best Psychological Anime...

Top 10 Best Psychological Anime

Top 10 Best Psychological Anime
Top 10 Best Psychological Anime

Anime Top 10 List: Psychological

Mind games, psychological sagacity, crazy twists and turns, human psyche, soul renders, and everything that involves the mind and the psychological aspect – these are the things you could expect to see in a well-defined psychological anime. And it doesn’t even stop there! The psychological genre and its endeavor in the world of anime is usually so mind-boggling and psycho that it often results in highly-engaging and very intense shows that are so much capable of affecting and indulging the viewers. Hence, psychology serves its purpose grandly as it blends effectively well with its own shows to inspire the proliferation of the genre it encompasses.
Given the increasing popularity and the exponential brilliance of this genre, I proudly present to you selected titles that are true to the domain and clearly successful in delivering their purpose. Many are becoming more and more fascinated and riveted by the psychological genre, so here they are – the Top 10 Best Psychological Anime! Be dazed, be dumbfounded, and be psyched with these crazy-good titles!

10 – No Game No Life

You think this is just a game? I tell you now – you’re gravely mistaken! In a world where everything is resolved by games, physical prowess means nothing! If someone needs something done, mental strength is what’s needed. That being said, No Game No Life makes it to this list by presenting a new perspective in using the mind to win over everything. And while this show doesn’t tackle much the dark and disturbing side of psychology, the utilization of the power of the mind in the form of tactics and strategies will render you awestruck for a while.
Two Hikikomori N.E.E.T. siblings by the names of Sora and Shiro are together known as the legendary “Blank”, a player who is widely known and famed as one of the best gamers in the world. The exploits of Blank are actually regarded as near-impossible and phenomenal. So, when an email from a being who calls himself god comes to Sora and Shiro asking them to resign from their current world and venture to a much interesting gamer-oriented one, the siblings both decides to take the once-in-a-lifetime chance. The world in question is the world known “Disboard”, a place where everything is solved by games. There’s no killing, no stealing, and no unwarranted conflicts – everything is decided by games!

No Game No Life - Trailer

9 – Code Geass

Did I just hear you say that you like stunning stratagem and brilliant tactics? Well, with Code Geass on your watch list then I say – you got it! With the brilliant minds of the cast of Code Geass and its plot’s action-packed execution, this show blows off some steam that would literally make you say – mindblown! And with actions that don’t just go ahead a few steps front but a multitude step up into the future, you’d basically realize that this show is indeed one heck of a brilliant masterpiece deserving of rightful spot on this list.
A rebellion is brewing in the zone known as Area 11, and an exiled prince of Britannia with his beloved sister are caught in the middle of it. Ignorant to the truth and reality of everything that’s happening, Lelouch vi Britannia suddenly meets a so-called witch named C.C. who can grant miraculous powers befitting of kings. That power is called the Geass, and Lelouch awakens his power of “Absolute Obedience” capable of issuing absolute one-time commands to whoever he uses his power on. And so, his golden opportunity has come. The war, the world, his life, and the secrets of the past – everything shall be revealed with him in the front-line of the battle!

Code Geass - Trailer

8 – Ergo Proxy

When it comes to complexity of story and twisted development of characters, Ergo Proxy does what is expected and unexpected quite very well! It’s dark and it really makes you wonder! Ergo Proxy’s plot is so deep and puzzling that it actually snuffs questions and queries out of you. Can’t be helped I guess; but that’s how this particular show made it to this list. It’s that sort of anime that messes with your thoughts!
In a world that is almost entirely inhospitable due to the after-effects of the methane hydrate layer explosion, the remnants of mankind seek refuge in the protective covering of secluded domed cities. Life is not the same as before as people are now strictly regulated and supported by machine creatures called AutoReivs. One day, a mysterious virus called the Cogito virus suddenly appears to infect the AutoReivs and cause them to rampage in madness. Much to Inspector Re-l’s perilous investigation of the AutoReivs and the virus, she stumbles upon something more sinister…the monsters known as Proxies!

Ergo Proxy - Trailer

7 – Grisaia no Kajitsu

What makes Grisaia no Kajitsu eligible for a noteworthy spot on this list is how each of its characters present their situations and pasts in a tantalizing and traumatic way. Each character shine with their own quirks and tribulations; and the plot’s not really far-off behind! Psychologically speaking, this show not only tell stories that are eerie and dark on their own but, unsettling and mind-boggling as well!
Kazami Yuuji is the newest student of a particular school that hosts fruits that have fallen far from their trees. Being the first-ever male student mixed-in with five female students who each have questionable pasts and identities, Yuuji’s job is to delve into their lives and help them get over their tribulations. But, with each student having their own unique controversial backgrounds, it shall be known soon that the student with the grimmest background is none other than – Kazami Yuuji himself!

Grisaia no Kajitsu - Trailer

6 – Zetsuen no Tempest

If there’s an anime that goes brilliantly with a powerful mind-bending sequence, then that would be – Zetsuen no Tempest! The story’s full of twists, the characters really use their mental capabilities, and the coincidences are unexpectedly laid-out – all of these makes for a stormy plot that hurls all the elements in a vortex and releases them in all in an extravagant way. As tempest is in its name, expect the unexpected for this psychological anime shall rain upon a series of staggering events.
When the princess, Hakaze Kusaribe, who happens to be the most powerful sorceress of the Kusaribe clan gets banished to a desolate island where her powers are rendered null, she summons help through the usage of a sorcerous message. On the other side of things, a vengeful young man, Mahiro Fuwa, who recently just learned of her sister’s murder, coincidentally stumbles upon Hakaze’s message granting him the mission to help her and be helped by her as well. In line of the events, Mahiro’s bestfriend, Yoshino Takigawa gets caught up as well. Is it all a coincidence or is it all the work of fate? In this chaotic tale of revenge, the Genesis Tree and the Exodus Tree are the pillars that will dictate the course of destiny.

Zetsuen no Tempest - Trailer

5 – Monster

The closer something gets to reality, the more bothersome and disturbing it becomes. Standing above most of the rest with a story that’s so close to what we have in reality, Monster depicts the true nature and psyche of humanity and society with extreme relevance. It’s so similar that it’s actually scary and very frightening! Basing on the values and dark truths of ourselves and our society, Monster roars out a howl that shows the mostly unexplored yet undeniable truth about us and our world.
With the difficult decision of saving the life of the mayor or the life of the young child, Dr. Kenzo Tenma – a well-renowned doctor in the world of medicine – chooses to save the life of the person who shall soon become the cause of the havoc to his life, to his beliefs, and to the world’s foundations. Just what extreme events would transpire from the root of his decision? Who’s the person that he saved? What’s his true identity and absolute nature? The world shall soon shake from the grave effect of Dr. Tenma’s decision!

Monster - Trailer

4 – Death Parade

Yet another anime that talks about the essence of the soul and its deepest pits, Death Parade plays with the core of human nature while trying to draw out the real foundations of it. For an anime of the psychological genre, Death Parade steadily keeps up with its aim and purpose by showcasing episode-by-episode every detail of drawing out the foundations of the soul. Every time you watch it, you just can’t help but feel sympathetic and also empathetic towards each of the characters. Most are humans, and some are trying to get close to becoming humans, so the relation is at its peak with every turn and twist. With those aspects lined-up, you won’t even realize that your soul have already been drawn out as well. And that’s how Death Parade effectively carries out its genre description.
Void and Reincarnation – call them as heaven and hell as you may but, these two are the only destinations for the human soul. In the usual case, when a human dies, his/her soul goes straight to either void or reincarnation. But, in extremely rare instances, the souls make a pit-stop in Quindecim – an afterlife bar manned by Decim who judges souls through random death games where he peeks into the deepest darkest corners of the soul. Void or Reincarnation, the game and the secrets of the soul and true human nature shall declare the outcome!

Death Parade - Trailer

3 – Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)

A rollercoaster of madness and twisted crazies – that’s how I would describe Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) in its entirety. All the characters are actually insane; and it isn’t even their fault! The circumstances have thrown them all in a state of chaos where only the best among them –or even luckiest- would survive! But, that’s not just it – the mental state of everyone is actually the greatest factor in determining the outcome! Insane characters, crazy plot, twisted realities – Mirai Nikki is a crazy psychological anime like no other!
The god of space and time, Deus Ex Machina, is gradually deteriorating; and so, a plan is set into motion to choose the next person to rule over everything. With diaries that can predict the future in all their own unique ways, a survival game involving twelve (12) future diary holders lashes out intensely to proclaim the next god of space and time. 14-year-old boy Amano Yukiteru is one of the contenders; and much to his reluctance, he unexpectedly stands out in the deadly game by doing the impossible and overturning even his own “dead end!” The twisted game of survival and psychological endurance begins!

Mirai Nikki - Trailer

2 – Psycho Pass

Did you notice the word “Psycho” in the wording of the title? Well, one look and you’ll know what this is all about! And it doesn’t fail to fully realize the meaning of that word! Psycho-Pass is really psycho as it delves into the state of mind of people. You’re just standing there, and before you know it – you’ve already been analyzed and profiled! Like what sorcery is that?! Whether the technology of the Psycho-Pass is truly legit or just a quack, this show shall present in full view the implications of judging and messing with the state of being of humans.
Fast-forward into the future, humanity has found a way to measure the overall state of being of a person through innovative technology and advanced science. With this technology at ready disposal, the state of being termed as “Psycho-Pass” indicates that a person is well and sane. Those who fail the test are immediately reformed and sometimes…even instantaneously eradicated! The police force is the branch tasked with using this technology and making the most out of it. But, is it even really just? Is it all righteous and humanitarianly acceptable? Whether the answers fall on either the domains of yes or no, the psycho-pass and is about to make a huge storm in the history of mankind!

Psycho Pass - Trailer

1 – Death Note

I’m quite certain that no one or just a few will contest about the legitimacy of this anime being on the top spot for the psychological genre. I mean, if you’ve watched it already, then no explanation would be needed anymore. Death Note says it all! Mind games, strategies, twists, brain clashes…name it! This show has everything that an anime of the psychological genre would ever need – and this one does so exceedingly well! Try watching it and you won’t ever regret that you did.
Death Note – whoever’s name is written on it shall die in the next few seconds! After eerily falling from the sky and being noticed by 17-year-old student Light Yagami, the notebook of death known as the Death Note falls into Light’s hand. While things were purely out-of-curiosity at first, Light soon realizes that the notebook is real and its power is truly fearsome. And so, with no moment to lose, Light begins reforming the world with his own version of justice by killing-off all criminals in the world. But, things aren’t just about to smoothly conspire with him as a genius who goes by the name “L” is dead-serious on tracking him and taking him down.

Death Note - Trailer

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